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Facts about Leonardo da vinci!Leonardo Da Vincis nationality is ItalianLenardo died on may2,1519Lenardo was famous for the way he used light in his portraits…….;Birth of Leonardo…)Birth place…)vinci hallFamily…)son of ser piero dei Antonio an caterinaEducated…)served as an apprentice to andrea del verrocchiNationality…)ItalianFacts about his paintings…)Leonardo also sketched the first parachute,the first aeropane,the first tank, the firstrepeating riffle,the swinging brige,paddle boat, and lastly the first motor car!... 

            LONDON’S HISTORYThe now sprawling London metropolisIs a far cry from the scrabbling of dwellings that first sprouted up to house river traders during their voyages towards the sea. It was the Romans who really kick-started  the city, by establishing Londonium as an important fortress town, guarding the Thames.Over the centuries, London has developed and expanded, despite the many dangers that might have defeated a lesser place – the Plague, the Great  Fire, the bitter English Civil War, a plot to blow up the Houses of Paliament, and the Blitz during WW11.JTower of London                                                            The Tower of London is one of the world’s most famous for trees and has seen service as royal palace, prison, armoury and even a zoo. Kensington PalaceKensington Palace has been shaped by generations of royal women from Queen Mary to Victoria and, more recently Diana, Princess of Wales.Wellington ArchThe Wellington Arch is one of the most viewed London land marks thanks to its promixity to the busy traffic interchange at Hyde Park corner.Benjamin Franklin HouseThe residence of Benjamin Franklin in London between 1757 and 1775, during which time this extraordinary man was involved with meditation between America and Britain as well as his groundbreaking scientific studies. Southwark Cathedral Located in the historic Bank side area and adjacent to London Bridge, Southwark Cathedral is London’s oldest Gothic Building. J